.fr paris
.fr is the Internet u . s . a . code top-stage area withinside the Domain Name System of the Internet for France. It is run with the aid of using AFNIC. The area consists of all people and businesses registered on the Association française pour le nommage Internet en coopération. Since 2004, web sites registered with the.fr area are archived and preserved with the aid of using the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Requirements In order to buy and use a.fr area, they need to be a resident of the European Union or an EFTA member state. British restrictions Due to the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union, in view that 1 January 2021 UK citizens aren't capable of check in new.fr domain names. However, the AFNIC has said that each one domain names registered earlier than 31 December 2020 with the aid of using Britons will now no longer be affected. Other domain names below French administration
.bl: CC TLD for Saint Barthélemy .gf: CC TLD for French Guiana .gp: CC TLD for Guadeloupe .mf: CC TLD for Saint Martin .mq: CC TLD for Martinique .nc: CC TLD for New Caledonia .pf: CC TLD for French Polynesia .pm: get-hosting.fr .yt: CC TLD for Mayotte See also Internet in France .eu: CC TLD for the European Union .paris